Sunday, September 4, 2011

CS1 RSS Feeds

I chose this blog because I find that often managers attempt to control their employees by micromanaging them in an attempt to ensure that the job is done and done well.  I think we as humans are all guilty of micromanaging others in some way, whether that be a mother to her children urging them to do their chores, a teacher to their student in regards to completing assignments and getting them ready for tests, a man/woman to their spouse/significant other urging them to complete tasks of some kind…the list goes on and on.  This being said, I think that managers who try to remove micromanagement from their normal management styles tend to get the buy-in from their employees and therefore earn their respect quicker meaning they will work harder to accomplish a goal.  This feed gives pointers on exactly how to show manage people effectively and efficiently without making your employees feel like they are being analyzed with every move they make.

This RSS feed popped out at me immediately.  It contains dozens of articles on how to lead a team of people through change.  Many of the articles illustrate how leaders are cultivating a new community of leaders.  It gives good practices as well as motivational quotes to continue to help managers lead teams.  The authors are everyday people explaining what techniques they use to help effectively lead a team.

I have been using this website for years now, and decided to add this feed to my Google reader project, as the articles directly effect both my job.  National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators is a source that keeps me current on Financial Aid and policy changes.  It also gives me the upper hand on the word around so that I can prepare my team for what is to come regarding federal aid.  This feed lets me know when federal website outages will take place and keeps me up to date on federal updates that will directly impact the advice my team gives their students.

This RSS feed is all about Social Media in the workplace.  There are book reviews as well as articles endorsing the Social media interaction in the office, as it promotes creativity and community interaction.  The employers old way of thinking is that they are demanding focus from their social-media-free employees and therefore getting more accurate work from them.  This feed’s thoughts are that social media creates a forum of community where often people bounce ideas off each other to get more accurate information and innovative ideas by simply allowing employees to freely use social media sites. 

I added this feed because it will allow me to remain current on the information or misinformation that is out there for reading about financial aid.  Often my team gets random questions from their students about different financial aid help websites.  The internet is filled with misinformation about financial aid and how to maximize the federal aid they could qualify for.  This will help me stay as current as possible on the misinformation given to hopefully help my team deliver correct information on how to accurately help their students.

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