Pacing – The pacing of the game will be relatively open ended, as the players will be able to work through the game at their own pace. The game itself will stress the urgency of completion, however there is no real limit to how long the game would take, and the more that the players put into the game the quicker they will get the prize and therefore win the game.
Instructions – Each game player will begin by choosing their path throughout the map. They will either begin by requesting their transcripts or uploading their transcripts to the gaming site or launch site. The player will be completing levels (each enrollment document is a level) as their game pieces or avatars move throughout the map towards their ultimate goal and the games end. Each level on the map will award the players a puzzle piece that will ultimately create a picture of their brand new MacBook Pro that they will be sent as they have finally completed the enrollment process.
Controls – Each Player will pick an avatar or build their own avatar to exemplify their lifeworld entity to walk the map of the game. A quick click of the mouse to enter the next level will allow the players to move from place to place on the map not prohibiting them from moving forward until they have completed the prior level.
Knowledge – Each player will need to be in front of a computer and be able to upload a PDF file to the gaming site. They will also want to know exactly what Full Sail program they are wanting to begin and be committed to completing the enrollment process.
Achievements – Short-term achievements after completing each task or level will be receiving a puzzle piece. Each puzzle piece earned will form a picture that will show the students a picture of their brand new MacBook Pro.
Story – Each Enrollment Guide will portray themselves in their own avatar illustrated by the guide. The Enrollment Guide will begin instructing each player as they move through the map giving the players pointers of how to complete the levels (documents) as they walk them through each location on the map. The Enrollment Guide Avatar will then accept the upload of the completed task (document) and will hand a blank puzzle piece back to the student. Once the completed task (document) has been approved and received on file correctly, the puzzle piece given will be colorfully uploaded to the map and so that the player can begin viewing the overall prize at the end of the map/storyline.
Endgame – When players complete each level they will get the puzzle piece that will build a picture of the MacBook Pro. The screen of the MacBook will give a quick summary of when and how the player should expect to receive their brand new MacBook Pro in 3-5 business days.
Assessment – Each level will be assessed in order to move on to the next level. The players will be rewarded after completing each level once level is successfully been completed.
Timing – The timing is honestly relative to the player. If the player is motivated to complete the enrollment process and begin classes, they will ultimately be able to complete the game quicker. Timing is completely relative to the player.
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